Edmund Pevensie Scabbard - Narnia
This is a reproduction of the scabbard used by Edmund Pevensie in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I'm hoping the representation is fairly accurate based on the images I have found on the internet. I have designed this scabbard to go with my Edmund Pevensie sword. The diamond shape on the sword should fit nicely in to the triangle shape at the top of the scabbard. Due to the size of the scabbard, I have divided it up in to five pieces to better fit on the printer bed. I would encourage you to print each of the pieces with the largest side down, except the top piece where I would print it with the flat side down. I have also included small holes in the end of each piece so you can insert a little bit of filament in the holes to better align each of the pieces as you are trying to join them. The only piece I needed to use supports on was the bottom piece. The decoration has a little bit of overhang that would not print otherwise. You could also use supports on the top middle piece to get a little better print, but I found I did not need it. I am in the process of making several more props from the Narnia films and books so be on the look out for many more to come.