Euthia ALL IN Insert / Organizer

Euthia ALL IN Insert / Organizer


If you want, you can help me with designing inserts by donating here: Hello, for those that don't know my ‘insert philosophy’ - I am creating modular inserts that are focused on reducing setup and space on table, filament consumption is not my highest priority, but of course I'm trying to save some material where I can. Important Notes: My main priority here was to fit as much as I can into the core box and FP box, minimazing space needed in box and on the table. Second priority was to speed up setup and teardown. Last but not least - I wanted to leave as much space as I could for Cruel Frost expansion, There are some drawbacks that I will mention later, please read through all that text wall below, thanks to it you will know if this insert is for you, Clearence for holder covers is very small - 0.2mm horizontal. In my previous inserts it was 0.4mm horizontal and 0.2mm vertical. I reduced it because I got a new printer and turns out that the old one was not calibrated as well as I thought, so the covers were very loose. Please print the smallest holder and cover for it to check if it fits, if not you may need to calibrate printer or enlarge cover a bit (adding 0.2-0.4mm to the width in the slicer should be enough), This is for 2nd version of the game, from SFG. I think it will work with the 1st version, but there will be a lot space left in core box. Supports: vertical storage (with some adjustments) - in both boxes there is some free space left for Cruel Frost expansion (I will describe it more later). If you want to store boxes vertically the best option would be to add some foam or original trays from the game to fill that unoccupied space (I added filament box in the 2nd box), all current expansions - Fierce Powers, Necromancer, Dual-Layered Player Boards, possibly Cruel Frost - in few holders I left some space for the newest expansion that is being funded right now. I also left about 25% space in second box for miniatures and space for 5 new characters in first box, so basically everything depends on the minis size, if they will be similar to the ones from core game and FP - they should fit, maybe with some of them being loose, sleeves 70 micron - this is mainly designed for 70 microns sleeves (I use Sloyca), but other thickness should also fit, although when Cruel Frost comes - new cards probably won't fit. This insert features: character holders - 7 smaller holders and 1 bigger (for Eltrea) for all character related components - cards, mini, dices, tokens, ability tiles. Each component (except for Golem token, which is stored with shields along with 2 cubes that I bought for each character for health tracking) has separate space. Holder for Eltrea also holds her minions. I didn't include space for damage tokens - I needed to save space, so I moved them to combat holder, tile towers - there are 3 towers for the tiles, each with 3 tower sections. Tiles can be taken out from the bottom, put away on the top, and if you need to reshufle or place a lot of tiles at once - you can dismantle tower for easier access. There is one section for scenario specific tiles, that for now don't have separate compartment, combat holder - there are compartments for 2 Dwurt dices, 1 Shii die and card, combat die, Gaar tokens, Chaos and Dwurt, 4 colors of damage tokens (in one compartment), badge and and leader scoring tokens (in one compartment), global effect and monster health and monster injury tokens (in one compartment). There is also space for inserting 2-3 cards vertically (for example monster and Shii card) during the game. Unfortunately I was able to only provide space for 4 colors of the damage tokens, but I don't think that more is needed - there are only few scenarios where players are fighting in the same time. In two tokens compartments there is enoguh space for 2 D20 dices (max size 3cm) (for tracking monster health / damage instead of the tokens) and 2 D6 dices (so there is no need take dices from another character), cards holders - 3 large cards holders. Unfortunately there was not enough space for providing a tower for them. I added separators and store combat related cards in 1 holder, quests in 2nd, other in 3rd. In each holder there is space to put 3-4 cards vertically (for example quests), elementals holders - 3 holders with space for 2 elemental types and corresponding essence tokens. Elementals are loose, but they fit tightly and they're sturdy enough so I don't think that they can become damaged. In holder for corrupted elementals there is space left for entities from Cruel Frost, so you may want to add some foam to protect them a bit, because they're a bit loose, gems and coins holder - separate compartment for each coin value, one big for gems - there was not enough space to provide separate compartments for each gem type, but I tested it and because the compartment is big enough - it is quite easy to find the gem we are looking for, minis holder - 3 holders for minis, one for towers and necromancer lair (which also holds large cards), and two for other minis. Only 1 mini is loose, but it is secured by other minis - Farruga. Requirements: about 2880g (depends on your settings, I printed with 15% gyroid infill, 2 walls, 5 top and 3 bottom layers, also depends on how many dividers you will print, this value is for 25 map dividers, 50 card dividers, 10 scenario tiles dividers which should be plenty enough), at least 221mm x 203mm print bed. Instructions: Supports - no supports required. every file ended with xX (for example x16) - print X times (in given example - 16 times), every file ended with xXY - cards, tiles dividers - print how many you like, to conserve filament no top, bottom layer, I also increased walls to 4 to make them a bit more rigid, Scenario_Tiles_Divider - scale it up depending on your organization of the box (I scaled it by 7000% vertically) - tiles are very loose in large compartment because I left space for new ones from Cruel Frost. Because they're loose - they can easily fall out, refer to pictures how to organize minis and the box. First box - 3mm lid lift: all character dual layered boards stored vertically on the side, 1st, bottom layer - 3 character holders and other holder in first column, 2 character holders + eltrea in second column, 2nd layer - 2 character holder, map tiles holder, buildings minis holder, 2.5 layer - scenario tiles holder in the middle of map tiles holder, tokens holders on each map tiles holder side, on top, 3rd layer - there is space left for 4 more character holders on top of the ones from second layer, next to map tiles, gems and coins on top of map tiles, combat holder on top of minis holder and map tiles. Here there is also some space left near combat tiles holder for the future, fourth layer - all instructions. Second box: first, bottom layer - 3 tile towers in one corner, card holder next to them along the longer box side, next to towers - elementals holder and next to cards and elementals - minis holder 1, second layer - 2 elementals stacked on each other and on elementals holder from the first layer, 2 cards holders stacked on each other and on card holder from the first layer, second mini holder on the top of the one from the first layer, In second layer and above there is a lot of space that I plan to use for minis and 4th tiles tower and possibly tokens holder, for if you want to store it vertically - you will need to add some filler. What future holds (Cruel Frost expansion): This insert will get an update when Cruel Frost expansion comes. I designed most of the components in the way that will reduce possible redesigns and reprints. Minis holder 2 - 100% will be redesigned when Cruel Frost comes, Combat holder - 100% will be redesigned, I will add space for new dices + other general tokens + possibly some cards or more space for current tokens, Tokens holder - I may redesing it to better group them, Cards tower - in following weeks I will be looking for a solution to include 1 card tower in place of 1 card holder, but that depends if I can fit the same amount of card in the same space. If not, I will wait for Cruel Frost and then, if there will be space for tower - I will include it, if not - I will probably design card tower that can go to 3rd box, There is space left for around 30 - 40 map tiles (depends if and how many separators), if they will be hard to access - I will redesign it a bit to give these map tiles more breathing space, but only after Cruel Frost comes, There is space left for around 30-35 scenario tiles (depends if and how many separators), There is space left for entities - in corrupted elementals holder. I may need to redesign it if they won't fit, There is space left for 4 new characters, they will fit without any problem (and possibly 5th one - in place of the Other_Holder), There is space left for around 350-400 square tiles (excluding character ability tiles) - I will provide new tower for new market and resource tiles and other tiles will probably go to 2nd, smaller tower, There is space left for around 200 cards - this is a pickle, because they will be quite tight, hopefully there will be enough space left to include or redesign card holder a bit, There is space left for around 30 minis - depends basically on their size, I'm basing my calculations on current minis size. I left space for new holders in 2nd box specifically for the minis. I may put some of them loose in order to fit everything into 2 boxes, Enjoy!






