Italian Octarius
Note: Currently a Work In Progress while I do test prints on all the files. I may make minor adjustments on texture or minor shape changes for easier printing, but the core buildings are all set in stone *heh* An Italianate Gothic reimagining of the Octarius set of Kill Team terrain complete with scrap piles and fences. I decided to try my hand at a total visual redesign of a set of competitive terrain, and built the core buildings and the tower from scratch. The scrap piles were taken directly form Sharedog Miniatures' "Piles of Crap" set and rescaled to match the official piles. Similarly, the fences were taken from several designs by Terrain4Print and scaled appropriately. Everything is designed to print support-free on FDM or resin printers and there are simple versions of the more complicated parts in case your printer isn't up to the task for particularly delicate operations. Check the "Demo" files for assembly orientations of everything, and the set is designed to be glued together. I suggest printing out a dozen or so loose bricks and gluing them wherever you please to add visual texture, especially to the tower under construction. Sources: Piles: Fence 1: Fence 2: Fence 3: Deficiencies: - The 4 core buildings are all able to form the rectangle for the narrative structure, but the tower doesn't fit in the center - Some of the print orientations are off of the ideal, so be aware when slicing the files - Slight stringing on the 90 degree corners of the rails when printed support free, so they may need support if your machine doesn't handle it well