U-Blox Neo-6m GPS + QMC5883L Compass Mast

U-Blox Neo-6m GPS + QMC5883L Compass Mast


Hello there, this is a sensor mast for housing a QMC5883L compass and U-Blox Neo-6m GPS module. Additionally needed: 1x USB to TTL programmer 4x Female Jumpers 4x M2-20mm bolts 1x Carbon profile 8x8mm, length ~10-20cm Connection: Microcontroller 5v - VCC compass - VCC GPS Microcontroller GND - GND compass - GND GPS Microcontroller SCL - SCL compass Microcontroller SDA - SDA compass Microcontroller TX - - RX GPS Microcontroller RX - - TX GPS If you plan to use it with ArduPilot some modifications must be made using u-center (https://www.u-blox.com/en/product/u-center). I attached some screenshots for my settings. After connecting your GPS module and opening it in u-center (default Baudrate is 9600) you find the following settings under View/Configuration View. Make sure you hit the send button after each change. Note: After changing the Baudrate to 57600 you need to also change it in u-center! PRT: Change Baudrate to 57600 Protocol out: NMEA RATES: Measurement Period: 500ms CFG: I selected all options and saved it






