larger head sea turtle cookie cutter

larger head sea turtle cookie cutter


I remixed the Turtle Cookie Cutter to have a slightly larger head. I chopped the head off and increased the size in blender. Make sure to preview your print!! The print in the pics is 105% on X & Y, and 140% on Z axis. I recommend increasing the height (Z) to 140% or so. I also HAD to increase size (X & Y) to 105% otherwise cura wouldn't slice the walls fully and was having problems slicing it for some reason. >>>Make sure to preview your print!!<<< I dunno how it all works..I'm not very experienced with blender or cura stuff. It's kinda flimsy, I printed with a 1.0 nozzle with 2.0mm wall thickness and it's still pretty squishy. You could add a few bottom layers to give it a 'lid' for more rigidity. Or you could stack/align 2 models and increase the size slightly on one so that you get a 3-4 wall thickness. I couldn't figure out how to make the walls thicker than 1 layer..something with the model being too thin I guess...I dunno.



