Raspberry Pi Zero 2W Camera Arm Case [Remix]
# Raspberry Pi Zero 2W Camera Arm Case [Remix] Remix from [Pi Zero W Camera Arm Case](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2406863). Changes: - Extend arm some mm more for the bed of print dont break it. - Inverted the position of the Raspi 180° to: - Have the GPIOs at the bottom to avoid future collisions with the camera - Be able to connect the flat cable of an OV5647 camera without having to rotate its cable - Add space for ~8mm aluminum heatsink. Thing in GitHub: [Raspberry Pi Zero 2W Camera Arm Case [Remix]](https://github.com/rapax00/3dthings/tree/main/raspberry_pi_zero_2w_camera_rm_case_remix) ## Index - [Files Included](#files-included) - [GCODE-3MF](#gcode-3mf) - [Images](#images) - [Parts-Assemblys](#parts-assemblys) - [STL](#stl) - [Print](#print) - [Remix parts](#armstl-coverstl-and-screw_supportstl) - [Printer Settings](#printer-settings) - [Creator](#creator) ## Images (at least 1) <div style="overflow-x: auto; white-space: nowrap; display: flex; align-items: center;" > <img src="./Images/arm_freecad.png" alt="arm_freecad" style="display: inline-block; width: 300px; margin-right: 10px;" /> </div> ## Files Included ### GCODE-3MF - `raspi_camera_mount_arm_....gcode`: `arm.stl`, `cover.stl` and `screw_support.stl`. - `raspi_camera_mount_others_....gcode`: other files from the original project (camera case and rail). - `raspi_camera_mount.3mf`: all parts, orginal and remix. ### Parts-Assemblys - `arm_full.FCStd`: arm, cover and screw support together. - `arm.step`: individual part. - `cover.step`: idem - `screw_support.step`: idem. ### STLs - `arm.stl` - `cover.stl` - `screw_support.stl` ## Print and Assembly Guide ### Print Printer used: [Ender 3v2] #### `arm.stl`, `cover.stl` and `screw_support.stl` ##### Printer Settings - Nozzle: 0.40mm - Resolution: 0.20mm - Infill: 30%, grid - Filament material: PLA - Raft: no - Brim: 2mm - Supports: only in space of aluminum heatsink of arm ## Creator Made with 👐🏻 by [Rapax](https://rapax.dev) Tips are welcome through Lightning Zap to ⚡**rapax@lawallet.ar** or with [**Lightning QR**](https://wallet.lacrypta.ar/lnurlp/link/9ZxRDq).