Cloud case for cantor keyboard
I wanted to make something more fun with the keyboards than a rectangular boring shape. This is my first try to put some fun in the cantor keyboard. Actually, I shared the files for a V2 I didn't print, so the images are from a V1. The major change is that the bolts are at the bottom and there is a pocket to hide the bolt head. I decided to share the project in different formats so anyone can edit and adapt to the tolerances or the inserts and bolts needed. I used 12mm M3 bolts with inserts that are M5 of exterior diameter. And for those that have nice eyes, yes, one halve is white PLA and the other is wood. I decided to include some svg so you can use a CNC machine to cut your case in wood if you need. It should be at images because thingiverse detect it as image that can't show. If you decide to print, please, have fun.