Nishijin Model A Ball Bin
This is a ball bin that sits on the little metal plate on the back of a Nishijin Model A machine. These are the older "Recycler" machines. When the holding tray gets full, the ball will drain out of the holding tray to a lower try. None of my Model As came with a try to catch these balls so I had to build one. The photo is of an older prototype. There are 2 models here. Decide which one you want and print it. The taller one may hold more balls, if you are lucky. It takes about eight and a half hours to print on my Ender-3 v2 neo. If you would like to save some time and material, use the flat bin. I have not printed one of these yet but my slicer says it should take 6 hours. Having a bin here makes emptying these machines a lot easier.