Chamber Fan/Filter

Chamber Fan/Filter


Chamber fan for my enclosure, loosely based on a bento box for a Bambu printer, 2 layers of HEPA filters, and a large carbon pellet reservoir. All were designed and printed by me. The fan will need to be upgraded later, but it works for now and does help a lot with the smell of the stinkier filaments. Use at your own risk for hazardous filaments. Hardware required 4 M4 bolts and nuts (I used 50mm length but I'll get longer for the fan upgrade), lock washers if you prefer. Fit will be snug when assembling it as I didn't get the bolt holes 100% aligned. Wood screws to mount it, ill include the step and fusion file so you can modify it if you need to use your choice of screw/bolt 4-8 4x2 Magnets for each section press fit, but super glue wont hurt Setup I used .4 nozzle .2/Variable layer height (to speed up the larger pieces) 15% Infill Filament of your choice. I used PLA 3.5in/90mm Hole saw, Tube is 88mm Brim to help with adhesion (not required if yours sticks well, I ran into issues with lift when cooling) It is completely modular above the fan and can be built and ordered how you want it with more or less filtration. I would recommend placing the lower HEPA filter above the can as it has an adaption tunnel to the fan, I made it easily removable in case something gets caught in the fan, but not required to place it directly above the fan I also cut the face plate to mount to the box and for the lower fan to make some TPU gaskets. I will upgrade the fan and use a single fan later as I thought these would move more air but they don't unfortunately. Links to all supplies I bought, including the fan I'm looking at for the upgrade, but it's set up for a 90mm 12v fan. I will add a speed controller to the fan once I get the new fan Fans are running from the Printers PSU with a 12v converter, I had enough ceiling to run them from there Hepa Filters Charcoal Fans in use at time of post Fan I will upgrade to Magnets (4x2) Speed Controller



