Modded 6-Shot Disc Shooter

Modded 6-Shot Disc Shooter


The original [6-Shot Disc Shooter]( by uhltimate was amazing with the amount of care taken with details, however there have been several improvements made. I've gathered the best of the best mods for this fun little disc shooter and added a couple myself. The original had a small design flaw in that the trigger spine was the exact length of the trigger travel. I've added a couple mm to the spine. The downside is the spine peeks out the front a bit. This allows for the trigger to be pulled all the way without fear of the front of the trigger dropping down into the frame and getting stuck. - Frame: I took erikpedersen's design with [band guides]( and cut the trigger slot deeper to accommodate the longer spine. Also rotated to the correct printing orientation. :-) - Spring: Nick_Groot's [Stronger spring]( fit the bill nicely. Print with 6 walls and it assembles the same as the original. - Trigger: I used the original trigger and lengthened the spine to keep it from dropping in the trigger tray when the trigger is fully depressed. - Holder: Simplicity is best here, with [mcgeld]('s holder arm with hammer to hold the arm out of the way while loading discs. - Extended Magazine: I took cues from SerenityRanch's [extended magazine]( and built my own from the ground up keeping the hexagon (bestagon!) design language of the original while making the clips and fitment much more positive and less prone to breaking. - Disc: Still the same OG. Best disc is the original!



