Bearing and Distance Tools for Marklayers
Tool to help race officials and mark layers to set up courses for sailboat racing. Included are tools for the bearings between marks for 60 and 70 degree trapezoid and 45 and 60 degree triangle courses. The are also distance calculator tools for 60 and 70 degree trapezoid courses. The tool is robust, just turn the inner plate to match the course/wind axis and lock it in place with the knob. The bearings between marks can then be read off easily. Similarly with the distance calculator - turn the outer edge until the course axis distance shows and lock with the knob. The other course leg lengths are then displayed. Designed in Freecad - my PC struggled with so much padded text in a Freecad file so a fast machine with lots of memory is required to edit. Only additional hardware required is one 16mm stainless steel hex bolt and nut per tool. Print with support so that the nut holes in the baseplates are accurate. Only additional hardware is one 4mm Stainless steel hex bolt and nut per tool.