rutile (TiO2) two-colour

rutile (TiO2) two-colour


Rutile model printed on FlashForge Creator Pro 2. rutile_atoms.stl is an array of oxygen atoms, rutile_faces.stl is an array of octahedra, which are the coordination polyhedra around titanium atoms. These two models must be combined in the slicer (I used Flash print) so that the oxygen atoms are at the vertices of the octahedra, then they can be printed with different extruders. It is better to orient the model so that all the faces of the octahedra are inclned to XY-plane (as they are in as rutile_two-color.fpp), otherwise, many supports will be generated inside the structure, which will then be problematic to remove. It is necessary to use support between platform and model; the use of other sports is optional - without them, it will be defects at the lowest point of the oxygen atoms.



