Spectroscopy addon for USB-Spectrometer
Our extension module turns our [USB spectrometer](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6497563?target=_blank) into a complete spectroscopy setup for transmission and photoluminescence measurements. It is easy to attach and has a holder for standard cuvettes (46 mm x 12.5 mm x 12.5 mm). Using the integrated, interchangeable light sources such as white light and UV LEDs, the transmission or absorption properties of various substances can be analyzed and thus conclusions drawn about their physical properties. The same applies to photoluminescence measurements, in which, for example, materials such as dye molecules from highlighters are excited to a higher electronic state by high-energy photons. By relaxing across different electronic states, the emitted photons are red-shifted or lower energy and characteristic of the dye molecule. Thus, the spectrometer can be used to perform initial experiments in the field of quantum mechanics in a comparatively straightforward manner. If you are looking for a compatible software to calibrate and use the spectrometer, have a look at [**SpecControl**](https://printedlabs.uni-bayreuth.de/en/software/_speccontrol/speccontrol?target=_blank), on our website. ###<u>***PrintedLabs***</u> Are you looking for exciting projects and creative experimentation in the ***STEM*** field? Then visit our website [**PrintedLabs.Uni-Bayreuth.de**](https://printedlabs.uni-bayreuth.de/en?target=_blank) and take a look around. Whether you are a ***teacher***, ***student*** or ***hobbyist*** and curious about physics and other STEM subjects - we offer a platform with a constantly growing selection of ***project ideas, DIY lab equipment from the 3D printer and matching software***. Plus, of course, the necessary tutorials and assembly instructions. To get started yourself, download our 3D models, software and instructions **for free** and experience for yourself how easy and inexpensive it is to realise your own experiments. With PrintedLabs, we not only want to awaken the joy of science and STEM subjects, but also promote analytical thinking, problem-solving skills and structured working methods. Our claim to ourselves is: - To make science and STEM subjects fun through self-built "lab equipment" and its application. - Developing analytical and creative thinking, problem-solving skills and learning structured working methods for setting up and carrying out scientific experiments. - The teaching of basic knowledge of data processing and the evaluation and interpretation of measurement data. - Good performance for detailed experimental results. - Compatibility of all components and associated software. - Simple and cost-effective assembly using standard tools and additional components. - Robust 3D-models in printing, production and handling. - High modularity to enable "free experimentation".