TurtleModeFPV - BasherCase - Hero11Mini Mounting Series
- Available for purchase along with all of our custom FPV gear @ https://turtlemodefpv.com/ - When I went searching for a GoPro mount for my new action cam, I was frustrated by the lack of durability and general performance... Enter the BasherCase Series, a premium GoPro mounting solution... - Printed with 1.8mm (4x) walls and 30% Gyroid Infill. - 4mm minimum part thickness. - 133 Degree FOV / 4mm recessed bezel allows for Wide video with no case in view. - Hinged front loading keeps GoPros securely attached to your drone. I am currently working on filling out a full range of cam angles as well as fixed angle FPV camera mounts for the SourceOneV3 frame... Long term I plan to support a wide range of frames... Want your frame on the list... Send me a line and I will see what I can do... ..... Also See our upcoming SourceOneV3 Slam project for related accessories