Dice Tray with tablet stand v3
A dice tray/storage solution combined with tablet stand. I made the original designs a few years ago. One of the first things I designed, actually. So I thought it was about time to tweak it a bit. Prints without support. The lid has a 1mm indentation so you can insert a bit of padding. If you don't want this, use the “LidFlat” version. The insert boxes for the back row come both as different parts, and as full boxes with compartments. I have not made boxes for the tray, but there are templates to make it easier to modify your own, if you aren't comfortable with CAD. Also: They are rectangles, so modifications in general should be simple. The “Inserts" are for if you want to print som TPU padding, or similar. Or maybe use them as cutting templates for other materials. Padding of some sort is highly recommended either way, as dice on PLA is quite noisy. I have added a .step file for easier remixing. Keep in mind that the .step contains all the models in a single file.