Looking for a foghorn to use for my marklaying team to inform sailboat racers of a course change. Looked at a lot - they were either not robust or not loud. This really just two parts - the horn and the cap. Need to add a small piece of something as a diagphragm and then the cap is a tight fit to secure it. I used various things but a bit of a polythene bag heled tightly over the end of the horn - then jam on the cap and trim off the excess. Works well and really loud. There are two lengths of horn here - the bigger one is only fractionally louder than the smaller one. I also designed a trumpet which can be pushed over the diagphram end of the horn to divert the sound away from your own ears. Not neccessary but I designed it and some may use it. The BYC lettering is not in the .stl attached - I added that for my own Yacht Club in Bambu Studio. Printed in PLA with 15% fill. Horns printed upright,,Cap printed with the grill down, neither need support. The trumppet needs turned through 45 degrees to print with the attachment side down, needs support for the trupmet part - I used tree support for that.