5,25 PC Bay Multitool + 2 x 5,25 PC Bay Multitool HDMI Amiga Tower
This is actually two projects in one. 1. "PC 1xPC 1x 5.25 bay Multitool" is a bay for 3 different possible HDMI, USB, Switches, MicroSD cards or LED's 2. "Amiga 2x 5,25 tower bay with HDMI Screen.stl" is a special variant that can house a 85,2x56,2mm HDMI Screen (for Raspberry but works standalone). For option 2 you also need 3 x Amiga 2x 5,25 tower bay with HDMI Screen - bracket For both options above: - Use bracket kist for HDMI, USB, MicroSD +++ from the project https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6680079 - Use "Blank" or "Blank with diode mount" for the extra holes. - The Multitool blank is to blank out the whole Multitool if not needed. The HDMI Screen should be like this one: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/1005006990300046.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.41.244162d3vllOTG&algo_pvid=f46aafa1-2f90-4fd1-8b5c-9bc4e76182f3&algo_exp_id=f46aafa1-2f90-4fd1-8b5c-9bc4e76182f3-20&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21NOK%21294.98%21171.08%21%21%21200.37%21116.21%21%4021032dcb17197505733608382e3cc2%2112000038970620848%21sea%21NO%212194584598%21&curPageLogUid=TewQWDoIHpiN&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A