Lifetime Kayak Seat Strap Clip
I have a Lifetime Tamarack 100. I was adjusting my seat on the river and this clip popped off, never to be seen again. I found the model by Hparsonst and gave it a try. It was a little thinner than my original and didn't clip on securely. I ended up modeling my own from scratch. I am posting it as a remix because I was inspired by Hparsonst's model and wanted to give people an option if one or the other of ours isn't quite right for your kayak model. I printed mine in PETG to give it a little more life in the heat and water. I imagine PLA would be plenty strong, though. Support is only needed for the bar going across. I used lines support at 20% with no interface and a 0.2 mm join distance, which worked out nicely.