Generic-ish RPG Tokens

Generic-ish RPG Tokens


<h1>What is this?</H1> There are simple, generic, and easy to read tokens and templates for any (most) TTRPG and are deigned to support a 1" tile (25mm) battle map. To keep them organized, it also includes a handy-dandy carry case. <h1>Why did I make this?</H1> After a long hiatus from gaming, I started playing with a drop-in group at my local shop and they were using dice, markers, or anything else they could find to note NPCs (and sometimes players) on a battlemap. I looked on a few sites but never really found what I wanted (the right size, shape, etc.) so I started tinkering. Overtime this morphed through a couple of iterations and I finalized on this collection. It's really simple stuff but nobody else really had them. "Game tokens", yeah - but then the GM has to play with scales and whatnot to fit the bill. I wanted them to be compact, easily readable, and cheap to print. It's fairly system agnostic with a few 5e flavors in there for one of the groups I play with. If it makes your game experience better, then I leveled up. <h1>What's included?</H1> There are five sets of prints here. If you want to do the two color prints, I just changed filaments during the print. If you have an AMS or other cool technology you likely have the know-how to make them fancier already. * NPC Tokens - Medium: Handles a majority of NPC bad guys your GM will need. Has worked great across multiple systems and is the bread and butter of this pack. * NPC Tokens - Oversized: More specific to D&D, but can be used in most games that have NPCs larger than the average player. Giants, Dragons, and other stuff that make players sweat when you lay it on the table. * NPC Tokens - Effect Boxes: Flat condition boxes that the NPC tokens (or a medium sized player miniature) that can signify various effects (fire, sleep, blind, fear, hungry, etc.). Again, it can be printed in different filament colors or just grab a rattle can and go to town. * 5e Radius Markers: This is less generic, but covers the more common spell effect types for D&D. These are very minimalist and would probably look really cool in a transparent filament. * The Big Box of Bad Guys: A box to get the tokens to and from the session. Two outer rows fit the NPC Medium tokens or the Effect Boxes. The inner compartment holds the Oversized tokens as well as the radius markers with a little room to spare. Themed for fantasy, but just keep telling yourself "it's only a's only a box...". I also used to carry the tokens in an Interdimensional Translucent Time Pocket (Ziploc bag). Works great if space is an issue.






