Pinkie Eye Front Cover for A1 & Mini w/ Moving Eye

Pinkie Eye Front Cover for A1 & Mini w/ Moving Eye


Having two young daughters interested in the A1 printer, I felt the need to customize it to suit them better. As I did not really find anything they liked online, I got to work creating my own version of a front cover that the girls would enjoy watching. The eye rotates as the extruder feeds filament to the hotend. The “picture” was drawn in CAD and is not taken from any other source, the pony was made in a familiar style that my daughters like. Despite the many shades of colors, only 4 filaments are required (AMS highly recommended…): This print can be printed in both “Bambu Lab PLA Matte” or “PolyMaker PollyTerra” as both works equally well. The colors needed to print the item as pictured here are: “White”, “Black”, “Sakura Pink” and “Ice Blue” The inside of the front cover has been modeled as close to the original front cover as possible, while still adjusting it to make the snaps printable so they wont break during mounting, just to make sure that the cover will not affect the cooling performance of hotend. This item has taken many weeks of past-bedtime-time in CAD to complete and many many prototypes to get the layer effect working well. If you like the item then please consider giving it a like :)



