Customizable  Wall Pass Through

Customizable Wall Pass Through


This is a wall pass through that could be customized for many different purposes. The inner design is a clam shell the pushes together to surround the wires within the pass through. Once put together it will friction fit into the outer casing. One casing is longer than the other and they just about meet in the middle which also allows feeding wires through the wall. In order to get a perfect fit, a X-Acto knife was used to trace the outside of the casing, once through the first side I used the same knife to push though the wall opposite allowing me to get them aligned almost perfectly I designed one off the pass throughs to encase a USB extension, standard computer power cable(powering my monitor), and a HDMI cable(Also going to my monitor). I am using this to connect to a computer on the other side of the wall. I included the Fusion 360 files, so you can change it to fit your want/needs. Post process will require cleaning up where the two clam shell interact with each other to line up. Only took me a minute to get things to look perfect.






