Roman Dodecahedron Message Coder Set

Roman Dodecahedron Message Coder Set


This model set is an exercise building on the theory presented by Matt Geevan on YouTube (, which is that the Roman Dodecahedron may have been a messaging encoder/decoder. The way the device might've worked is presented in the videos by Matt - a very intriguing concept and the only theory I think fits all that is known about the devices. The Dodecahedron itself is from Radem ( I've tried to adapt my parts to the Radems creation and I think I've got them all to comparable scale. I've included Radem's model for convenience, but you might thank him yourself. The To/From (encoding/decoding) Wheel has 3 dowels with it, but the model is not yet properly sized to any of them. The dowels would be glued to the center of the To/From Wheel, possibly with a diff dowel on the top vs. the bottom so that a To/From Wheel could be split between diff parties and keep the whole kit a bit more manageable.



