The Last Supper, Jesus and His Disciples, Ditigal Scan
I have a Revopoint Pop3 Digital Scanner, and this is a scan of a carved stone statue of the last super. I think it turned out REALLY great, scanned from such a small piece! But the faces and hands COULD use some detailed digital work if your up for remixing it! : ) According to the Gospel accounts, the Last Supper was the final meal Jesus shared with his apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion. Christians commemorate the Last Supper, especially on Holy Thursday, and it provides the basis for the Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion. In Leonardo da Vinci's painting of the Last Supper (which this is a statue of), the apostles are grouped in threes, with Jesus in the middle: Left to right: Bartholomew, James the son of Alphaeus, Andrew, Judas, Peter, John Middle: Jesus Right: Thomas, James the Greater, Philip, Matthew, Jude Thaddeus, Simon Distinctive personalities: Each apostle has something significant happening that distinguishes his personality. As you can see, this is free, but if you feel like paying me back, checkout out company FB page and like my site and my work, or follow me on Instagram! If you need help or want something scanned, send me a message here on Thingiverse or on my FB page and I'm happy to help, ESPECALLY for a good cause (charities, educational models, STEM stuff for kids, etc.). Tips work too! THANKS AND ENJOY!