Fidget pistol keychain movable slide trigger & mag
You better try <a href=>Fidget butterfly knife keychain</a> to evaluate whether your fingers are too numb to make this pistol. <a href=><img src=></img></a> Initial release STL - July 12, 2024. Recheck the latest STL before starting printing. Branches from <a href=>Subcompact pistol</a> to fidget keychains. Basically downsized by 50% in slicer with some stl were updated specifically to do the job. Keep your hands busy with this adorable pistol all day long. For Bambu users, printing profiles are available in <a href=>makerworld</a> for production. For other users, download SubCompactSimpleKeyChainGenericV1.3mf. For raw stl, go to <a href=>Subcompact pistol</a>(except keychain specific parts**). All need scale down to 50%. Layer height 0.1mm, 2walls, (1wall for slide lock spring). SubCompactSimple_Fidget_Halflifesize_FullSet_V2stl.stl is already 50% downsized. keychain specific parts** 1-Barrel tube (SubcompactSimple_BarrelTubeV5_keychain_icz.stl) 2-Barrel lock adapter (SubcompactSimple_BarrelLockV5_keychain_icz) 3-Slide lock spring (SubcompactSimple_SlideLockSpringStrongv2_icz.stl) 4-Body (SubCompactSimple_BodyKeychain_4709.stl) 5-Optional threaded barrel for suppressor (Need 50% downsize)(SubcompactSimple_BarrelTubeThreadedV5_KeyChain_icz.stl) 6-Optional threaded barrel protector (Need 50% downsize) (SubcompactSimple_BarrelTubeThreadedProtect_Keychain_icz.stl) <a href=>Build video</a> <a href=><img src=></img></a>