MAGNISLIDE / Fidget Slider / Haptic Clicker

MAGNISLIDE / Fidget Slider / Haptic Clicker


Originaly published on Check my Makerworld profile for more MAGNISLIDE faces MAGNISLIDE is a must-have accessory for anyone who doesn't know what to do with their hands and can never stay still! Additionally, it serves excellently as a keychain or even a conversation starter. Check out the short video about MAGNISLIDE. P.S. I'm not yet exactly skilled with it! ;) It is very easy to print, doesn't require the use of Multicolor systems, doesn't need much material, and is ready in no time. SIZE 44mm x 34mm x 7mm (Assembled) For assembly, you only need a little glue and 12 magnets with a diameter of 10mm and a thickness of 1mm. When assembling, keep in mind that the orientation of all magnets must be the same. Start by filling one of the bodies, placing a drop of super glue in the spot intended for the magnet. Wait a few seconds for the glue to dry slightly so the first magnet stays in place. Then proceed with inserting the remaining magnets, following the same steps. Once all the magnets are in place and the glue is dry, add a little glue along the edges and in the center, then insert the face of your choice. For the second body, follow the same steps, keeping in mind that the bodies must ATTRACT. Check the orientation of the magnets before gluing! Follow me or save the page; many faces I've prepared will be released on makerworld webpages soon! Look for me up there @Bambooster





