Prusa MK3/4 top filament guide -- Angled

Prusa MK3/4 top filament guide -- Angled


This is my take on the top filament guide for a Prusa MK3/4 enclosure. It allows you to pass an uncut PTFE tube from the dryer to the extruder. There is some hardware required to make this work including 4x heat inserts (M3x3) and 4 button head screws. 2 each: M3x10 button head screws 2 each: M3x8 button head screws All the screws I used came from this pack from amazon → 4 each: M3 x 3 with 4.2mm neck (amazon link --> (amazon search term --> "M3 Heat Set Inserts, M3x3x5mm") PTFE One touch fittings should be 1/8 BSP28 (this is the standard size for any amazon stuff) here is a link for an example → Important: PTFE tubing should have a large inner diameter or there will be resistance. For boden tube printers like the ender filament is pushed but for Prusa it is pulled. Any additional resistance can affect prints. PTFE tubing should be 4mm OD and at least 2.5mm ID. Link for PTFE tubing I have had success using on this and my Prusa XL. → I strongly suggest using organic supports for the threads. I just selected “Automatic Painting” and it came out great. Here is a link to the sunlu filament guide that is pictured. Filament outlet with PTFE pneumatic connection for Sunlu S2 Dryer by Phil-ip | Download free STL model |



