FLSUN Q5 / QQ / QQ-S Arm Spring SuperMod

FLSUN Q5 / QQ / QQ-S Arm Spring SuperMod


I tried all the spring hooks available on Thingiverse and none of them worked well. So I decided to do some thinking, and this is the result. Characteristics: - ***slow deterioration***: if the hook breaks it will likely happen only one side, so it will still hold for a while and your print won't be ruined. You will hear the spring go "bzzz" it a hook breaks, so you'll be able to replace it early without consequences. - ***safe***: springs have virtually no change to go flying through the room or in your eyes. - ***easy to print***: back of the hooks to the plate, no supports. For best strength: - one piece at a time - nozzle temp: 240'+ C - fan at max 30% speed - no supports needed - back side (flat side) of the hook on the plate OBJ file included.



