CR10-Max - Dual Y motor brackets

CR10-Max - Dual Y motor brackets


Being stuck at 1300/1500 acceleration with the original dual shaft stepper sucked! So i took some inspiration from the CR10-S5 which used a similar setup with one stepper. This helped a lot and i'm now running 3500 acceleration with 450 velocity This reuses most of the original parts. BOM list: 2x NEMA17 SUPER POWER (42STH48-2804AC) S35 One of each bracket (normal and mirrored) 2x 7.5mm Pulley spacers 2x M4x30 DIN912 bolts 16x M4x12 DIN912 bolts 16X M4 T-Nuts 8x M3x10 ISO7380 bolts 4x M3x50 bolt (for mounting the dampers to the steppers) 2x M4 nuts 3 meters of new 10mm GT2 belt (old belts are to short) Two of the old idler pulleys from the Y bracket 4x Nema17 dampers I'm using two 60mm fans to cool the steppers. The mounting plate i used for that can be found here:



