Gridfinity Dowel-It Jig Holder
While looking online for an easy way to store all my dowel jig pins together with the body, I found there was a lack of simple solutions. I am currently adapting gridfinity into my wood shop as my work space is always changing and it would make the task or rearranging so much more simple. On this search I found one single thing close to what I was looking for and it was This. clearly it wasn't gridfinity and they were making it for a custom box that I do not think they released. So I grabbed their stl cleaned it up and stuffed it in a 3x4x9 bin and here we are! printing is simple I used 5% gyroid, 2 walls and some good ol' PLA+. This model does have holes for a 6.5x2mm magnet if that is your thing. It can also work with any other copy cat brand of Dowel-It Co. in theory. I can not test them all.