40mm Helldivers Grenades
#Important note S.E.A.F. has informed me, that my design has a little flaw. The dimension of the grenades are tilted and correcting it in Cura crashes the program. I will post a update with the new grenades, which are NOT tilted (I don't know what happened there) #Changelog * 1.0.0 Initial release #Description I made some 40mm grenades for my Helldivers Cosplay and I thought some folks might find it usefull as well. Theres not much to say. These are regular 40mm grenades in the style of Helldivers, with a funny caption in the essence of the game. I should mention the grenades are not exactely 40mm in diameter. I made them for my Nerf gun, so I had to fit the to the size. But you can adjust the diameter as you want. Want a tank shell? Make it 105 mm or so :) just have it your way The markings are individual on every shell. They are: * HE * Smoke White * Smoke Green * Smoke Red * Napalm * EMS Disruptor The single shells are included as well, in case you just want to burn down the whole battlefield. Now go on, print those nades and bring democracy to the galaxy, Helldiver!