CSS-1 Correlian Senator's Shuttle Scaled to 1/270
Tēnā koutou katoa, After looking around for a Senator's Shuttle to replace the token in the starter set, I came across Slayer_of_Monster's CSS-1 (with underside detail - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2948255), and figured...why not? So I scaled it up to 80m at 1/270 scale to fly along with it's escorting X Wings, split it (since it was too tall for my Ender 3 v2), and imported it to Tinkercad where I added the holes for the dowels, and Runecaster's X-Wing Receiver Large Peg Replacement (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4685870)...after a bit of prototyping to resize them for a snug fit. Speaking of snug fits, I had to sand down the dowels a little the dowels to fit them. (The accentuated "ribbing" is due to some sanding in preparation for some paint. I'll also add some filler to the nose.) The pegs fit well, though it's still a little wobblier than I was expecting - an issue with at the base's end, I suspect. I've also included a complete version, and one at 1/400, the same scale as the GR-75 Transport. Thank you Slayer_of_Monster and Runecaster for the parts. Ngā mihi, Nick