SC2000 Star Commuter Scaled to 1/270 for X Wing Miniatures Game

SC2000 Star Commuter Scaled to 1/270 for X Wing Miniatures Game


Tēnā koutou katoa, I was looking for a proxie for the Senator's Shuttle token from the starter set (but then I pulled together a 1/270 CSS-1 afterall..., and Snickett's Star Commuter 2000 ( looked like just the thing. I simply added an X-Wing Receiver Peg Replacement from Runecaster (, and added some holes and dowels to add in aligning the parts. I found the first set of dowels to be too loose, and the second (the 3-8mm ones) a shave too thick - but they fitted well once I sanded them down a bit. Thanks Snickett and Runecaster! Ngā mihi, Nick



