Battletech Striker Updated by (Table_Top_Gaming_Fun)
Battletech Striker Updated (3903810) Credit For Work (Table_Top_Gaming_Fun) HIS SUMMARY I added a support structure under the vehicle for more solid prints. I updated the wheels, including a turned wheel pose, and I also pushed them up into the chassis a bit. I know this is technically incorrect, but if you look at all the art for it, it looks just like this. I also make the connection for the turret a ball so you can rotate and tilt it when you assemble/glue it. Want to learn how to play Battletech? Download "Alpha Strike" right from the Battletech website, it includes the core rules and print and play cutouts. One of the stat sheet for this mech Please support the creators of Battletech. Purchase books and other miniatures. END OF HIS SUMMARY Have Fun and Happy Printing! Post Some Painted Makes, Please