Miura-Ori (Map Fold) Origami (Multi-material print)
Demo Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/aZ2fdD3TgEw This is a multi material print as seen in the pictures, where the blue material is a flex material and the purple material is a rigid material. I would suggest printing using a PLA based flexible material (i.e. Sakata X920) and PLA to get better bonding between flex and rigid layers. TPU will work but PLA will delaminate a lot quicker off the TPU after a certain amount of bending/folding iterations. WIP - have plans to improve geometry to reduce delamination between flex and rigid elements. I do suggest printing the first layer or two of PLA onto of the flex material at a hotter temperature (flex nozzle temperature) to attempt at improving the bonding between two materials. The rest of the PLA layers can be printed at regular PLA nozzle temp. Can print in ONLY PLA but living hinges may crack/will fail sooner. Can print in ONLY flex material, but origami will not fold as crisply as it does with PLA adding more rigidity to the non-living hinge elements.