Destiny Internet Ghost - Internet Notifier
Destiny Internet Ghost - Internet Notifier The Internet has changed the way we live our lives. From communication, education, banking, entertainment and shopping, the Internet has had a profound impact on our world. Gone are the days when the pen was the most important tool in this world. times have changed and now the internet rules the world. It is very difficult to imagine our world without the Internet. In the year 2021 I created a "Internet Hardware WatchDog" using NodeMCU which reboots my home router whenever there is an issue with the Internet. This device sits next to my router and happily takes care of it whenever it has a hiccup. This year, I wanted to extend the watchdogs horizon by adding an "Internet Status Notifier" that displays the current status of the Internet using an RGB LED. When the Internet is up and running, the notifier displays a blue light and when the Internet is down it goes red. Video: