Lock Pick Collection (templates) with OpenSCAD

Lock Pick Collection (templates) with OpenSCAD


**Note:** You can't use these as actual lock picks! These are designed to be used as templates to use for tracing the shapes on to metal stock. The actual picks need to be stiff metal - typically 0.5 to 1.0mm thick. 3D printed plastic is too flexible and will probably break in the lock. These are intended for education and legitimate use only. Please don't use them for anything else. I wanted a small set of lock picks as individual .stl files to make printing easier. Many of the things on here have multiple picks per file which are harder to print and can get stringy on my printer. These templates come from here: http://www.lockpicking101.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17326&hilit=template&start-146 Thanks to the original creators. I imported the .jpg outlines in to OpenSCAD using an Inkscape extension - notes in the .scad. The .scad isn't that useful because the picks aren't made using normal scad primitives; I simply traced the outlines of the picks and converted them to polygons. But there are a few options to play with. **Printing** I printed in PLA using one perimeter wall. Use a small layer height. I also set the z seam position to be on the left to keep it away from the detail of the pick. Once printed, remove any blobs and make sure the print is smooth. Trace on to metal stock of your choice. I used 0.4mm brass, which is probably too thin and flimsy but it's all I had. Then cut out using your tools of choice. I used a dremel type tool with cutting wheel and grinding attachment, then finished with needle files and abrasive cloth. My metalworking skills aren't the best! Result - they worked as intended but I'd probably choose different metal if I made them again. STL file names - the one with 'sm' suffix have the small handle - useful if you want just the detail end.







Hand Tools