Easy 35mm hole mount for Jaycar IEC 14 male power socket

Easy 35mm hole mount for Jaycar IEC 14 male power socket


Got an electronics project that involves an enclosure/box/chassis (whatever you call it) and want an easy way to mount an IEC power socket to it? Are you perchance building a 3D printer or CNC enclosure, and want an easy-to-service way to pass power through AND keep noise/warmth inside and dust outside (if 3D printer enclosure) or inside (if CNC enclosure)... without the copious use of sealant? Do you have a bunch of IEC 13/C13/PC power cords/kettle cords that are used everywhere from PC monitors, to subwoofers, A/V receivers, TVs, Apple desktop computers, and many, many more... just laying about? Do you have a limited number of tools (like just a drill) and don't want to have to cut rectangular holes badly with chisels/keyhole saw/Dremel/whatever?... or more tools like a jigsaw or oscillating multi-tool? Are you, perhaps, a frequent shopper of Jaycar (an electronics store in Australia) and just happen to have (or can get) a male IEC14 socket (catalogue number PP4005) or are willing to see if another socket fits this mount? Then you're not alone, and you are also.... in luck. :) You will need either a 35mm hole saw, or Forstner bit. A print of this part, and the installation instructions (for clarity's sake) are the following: 1. Carefully drill a 35mm hole where you need it in your box/cabinet/whatever, allowing for the wider flange of the socket mount that'll be located on the outside of your case. 2. Connect the wiring to the socket before installing the IEC socket into the mounting plug, passing the wires through BOTH the plug mount and of course, the chassis hole if needed.... and can make the wiring reach. 3. Install the socket into the mounting plug (it is a firm fit for a good seal). 4. Install the socket+plug mount into the drilled hole, and use countersunk screws (or countersunk machine screws/bolts if needed) to fix it all in place... you may need to pre-drill some pilot holes. That's it.... you're set! I hope this helps you with your project. Ham.





