Speedybee Master 5 v2 - DJI O3 Air unit & Walksnail WS-M181
A compact, custom rear mount for the Speedybee Master 5 v2 to house a DJI O3 Air Unit antennae and the Walksnail WS-M181 GPS unit. Printed on/using: Creality K1 https://amzn.to/4fKh0ph Overture Electrical Blue TPU https://amzn.to/4c9XgIp Layer height 0.08mm using “Avoid crossing walls” to reduce stringing, using 100% infill. Designed so that no supports are required. Worked out great, using the JST-SH1.0 cable for the WS-M181 and by feeding through at 90 degrees to fit through the hole. The DJI antenna wires need to be fed through staggered or one-by-one and the default DJI tube should be a tight push-fit. No additional fittings or glue required. My first shared model!