Easy Rotation Distance Tool

Easy Rotation Distance Tool


This handy tool makes it easier to mark and measure and confirm your machines E-Steps (Marlin) or Rotation Distance (Klipper). Tool clips on the filament making it straight for an accurate mark and checking the mark as well. Using your metal Calipers can be clumsy and hard to mark a line on the filament and also you don't want to get sharpie ink or paint pen on your calipers.Use any filament you have loaded for this handy tool, print in the upright position and use brim and supports. This tool makes marking a line on your filament at 70mm so easy and to confirm the line stops at 20mm before entering the extruder. I use red paint pen to mark my line and don't care about getting paint on this tool. Different Filaments are different harnesses and extrude differently. At first I was measuring my e-steps/rotation distance without the filament going through the hotend, this is not the most accurate way as there is slippage and resistance when going through the hotend, so now I just heat nozzle and do "real world" testing with filament being extruded for the most accurate test. Cheers!





