osVAC adapter for Nilfisk Aero
Nilfisk Aero adapter for the osVAC system, see https://ossso.de/ I did not want to cut off anything from my brand new Nilfisk Aero 21-21 PC but had already adapted all my machines to the osVAC system, so I combined one of the original osVAC adapters with an adapter for the Nilfisk Aero to be able to plug the osVAC female part onto the Nilfisk click handle. Only later I noticed that there is now a female-only osVAC model on Thingiverse that would have made my process much easier, so if you want to make your own adapter, use that as a base: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5250908 Photo shows Nilfisk handle in black, this part in white and the osVAC M32-H32 in green as a demonstration. Compatibility with other vacuum machines not tested.