Cute Peeking Kitty Chip Clips (see profile for pupper version)

Cute Peeking Kitty Chip Clips (see profile for pupper version)


**If you download, print, or collect this model, I would really appreciate it if you take the time to click the like <3 button as I put a ton of time, experimentation, and filament into developing, testing, and posting these free models- and your support helps me continue to do so! Keep your chips and other items sealed and fresh with these adorable peeking kitty chip clips! The cute cat-shaped handles make these slide-style chip clips easy to put on, and the slide cylinders end in cute little paws to help keep items secure from sliding off. These clips are available in two provided designs (with and without teeth) and four sizes- small, medium, large and extra large. With a smidge of rotation, the small and medium clips will print on an A1 Mini, but you will need a larger printer for the large and extra large. So download and print your set in various colored filaments, or simply make them in black or white and add a little craft paint to customize your snack protectors! And if you also like (or simply prefer) dogs- please see my profile for the pupper version of these clips! Caution- the toothy version of the kitty chip clips will protect your snacks but the teefs are sharp and pointy! Thank you so much for checking out this model, if you like it, please feel free to check out my other designs and/or follow me so that you know when I upload the next one! PLEASE SEE PRINT SETTINGS FOR IMPORTANT INFO!



