Whatnot to fit Amiga 2000 keyboard into a Checkmate case

Whatnot to fit Amiga 2000 keyboard into a Checkmate case


The Checkmate keyboard case is for an A500/A1200 keyboard. These parts allow an Amiga 2000 keyboard to fit in one. The logo is a remix of https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2374923 just scaled down and with some protrusions to go into the power/drive slots. From there I just used a soldering iron to melt the plastic a bit to secure it. The keyboard cord retainer is press fitted onto the cord strain relief on the inside of the case and held in with M3 screws. The two ramps have lugs that fit over two screw posts on each side. I only put an M3 screw in the upper one as the lower is too close to the keyboard and doesn't seem to be necessary. On the left side I remove a screw on the lower side and fit an M3 thru to secure it to the ramp/ On the right there is a screw up top that also holds the ground from keyboard cable. I replaced this with an M3 also but just use the soldering iron to make a hole for it. After a half dozen crappy doorstops I was anxious to be done. I think https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3768589 would have been a great logo for it, but tinkercad wouldn't have anything to do with it. I think






