V.P.H. desktop paint holder

V.P.H. desktop paint holder


Tired of your paint's bouncing around all over the place? Tired of having to carry 40 paints by the handful to the next room to paint only to dump them down and have them roll all over? Well have i got a solution for you. Designed to work with Vallejo paint's and any other paint pot's of that same size i bring you the Desktop V.P.H. (Vallejo paint holder) I have added in four separate STL. files to accommodate your needs best. There is a one, two, three, and four tier system as pictured. I recommend not changing any scaling or else the paint pot's will be too loose or tight. As of now they fit just right. Unfortunately these are quite large so if you have a smaller bed you may need to turn the one and two tier variants diagonally to fit them for printing. I will be working on smaller versions in the future.







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