Bowl (easy flat print!)

Bowl (easy flat print!)


An alternative way to make a strong stiff bowl/dish for serving. Super easy to print and ideal for multicolor effects. Also lightweight due to minimal use of filament. (set infill to 100%) Print 1 Bottom, 1 Ring and 20 Ribs. <b>Assembling:</b> Place the ribs one by one into the holes of both the bottom and the ring. Start with 2 opposite positions and then place the other ribs alternately opposite each other in the remaining positions. Once all the ribs have been placed, a bowl is created that is super strong and stiff. <b>To change the height of the bowl:</b> The ribs are standard 100mm in length. By scaling in (only) length you can influence the height of the bowl. The length you make them longer or shorter also makes the bowl just as much higher or lower. Do not make the ribs shorter than 60mm (60%). <b>Scaling the complete bowl:</b> The bowl can be scaled as a whole. You then need to scale all parts the same in all directions (XYZ) and also scale the layer thickness of all layers by the same factor! The standard layer thickness for the basic model is 0.2mm (and nozzle 0.4). So if you want to scale the bowl to 80%, the layer thickness will be 0.16mm. It is advisable not to scale lower than ±70% otherwise the ribs will become too thin and weak. <b>Printed bowls in the photos:</b> The big bowl is printed at 100% with standard rib lengths. Diameter is then Ø210mm and height 75mm. The small bowl (dual color) has been scaled to 80% (layer thickness 0.16) and the ribs have been further shortened in length from 80 to 60mm. Diameter is then Ø168mm and height with the shortened ribs is ±40mm (instead of ± 60mm with normal length ribs). <b>Stackable: </b>Printed bowls of the same size/height are stackable!






