RC boat trim plate
This is a forgotten project. Many years ago i got 2 toy grade rc boats, the kind that steers by stopping the inside motor, they did work but i needed some more speed so i removed the stock rc gear and put some hobby grade stuff in them(brushed esc and 2s lipo batt,2,4 ghz radio) and made a rudder. When i tested them ,they were fast but too light in the nose(no trim) so i moved the batt forward to help get the nose down but a lipo batt is not that heavy so it only helped a little. When i got home i designed these. They work very well but now i need some bigger/faster motors, stock 380 is not enough. And here we come to the forgotten part, that was 3 years ago and i left the boat on the shelve not to be used again. I found the files on my computer and took a look at the boat again, the files for the rudder/servo mount is lost so i am uploading the trim plates if some one can use them, the boat is 700mm long if that is any help.