KNOBS for Scalable Field Camera

KNOBS for Scalable Field Camera


This are DIY knobs for Edgar Kech's wonderful camera. They fit the 4X5 Scalable Field Camera ( Surcing knurled bolts can be tricky, they are too small and not adapt to my finger. I wanted them to be plastic fantastic, joyful, colorful, playful, large and shiny. All printed PLA, bolts held in place with a drop of superglue. F_rise needs supports (very thin but needed), an M5x16 cyl head bolt, F_rise_lock decoration part to print in contrasting colour. (everything 2X) F_rise needs supports, an M5x20 cyl head bolt. (everything 2X) MAIN are the two main body locking knobs, M5x10x7 heat insert and the "Main_Lock"decoration part, or cut yourself a piece of vinyl ring (outer diameter 26mm, inner 12) (everything 2X) F_swing is a flat thin knob, that relies on a conic flathead M5x16 bolt (can be 20mm) and on a hexagonal nut, using the same F_rise_lock decoration. You will use only one. F_tripodbase uses an M5x12 flathead (be precise, please). It's made not to protrude from the arca-swiss base, so you can place the camera flat on a table or flat surface without rumbling around! 1X. Tripod_plate_mod is a REMIX from E.Kech design, to accommodate a FAR LARGER SCREW KNOB. It uses an M5x12 flathead (be precise, please). As for the small one, IT STAYS FLAT.






