Epoxy mixing cup (plaster, silicone, whatever)
PRINT THIS USING SPIRAL VASE MODE. Your results will vary if you don't. Vase mode makes this a fast print and easily disposable item. Very lightweight mixing cup for 2 part epoxies and other things that need mixing. Sized for around 200g of material. Oval to help prevent bubble formation while mixing and wide-ish to let the bubbles out. When my printer spits these out in esun PLA+ in spiral vase mode they come out to exactly 7 grams every time, which is just fun and has no real importance since you have a tare button on your scale, but it still is a thing. Scales up to about 2x its size without losing structural integrity due to the VASE MODE printing which is around about exactly one layer-ish thick. Scaling more might require real wall mode printing because you'll use a more destructive stirrer stick on a larger cup, but that's up to you.