Terraforming Mars Frame for Tracker Card
*Make sure it is 8 1/4" wide in your slicer to fit properly This is a 3d print frame that goes on top of the factory resource tracker cards for Terraforming Mars. it's designed to hold your tracker tokens at the generation quantity point, as well as contain the tokens that represent resources you've already generated. Everything should be kept in place. All the other ones I found either didn't scale properly or wanted you to print custom tracker cards, which is not what I was looking for so I made one that's designed to go on top of the ones that come with the game. I printed 5 and color matched with the player tokens, so each frame corresponds with a player color (Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, and Black). Obviously, the world is your oyster so print in whatever color(s) you find to be the most satisfying. Designed with Blender, sliced with PrusaSlicer.