1/56th Scale Mutant Raccoons (Dabbers)
More figures for my Gamma World Game. The Dabbers are kinda short, (approximately 1.5m tall) but they are to scale with the other Gamma World figures that I've posted. (I haven't named the Dabbers yet,) but the first one with a Mark VII Blaster, doesn't know that the battery is dead, (that's why it doesn't fire... He's just bluffing) and even if the battery is changed, there is an obstruction down the barrel, if not “discovered” it will overload and explode! (that's going to be fun when the players try fixing it...) The second one knows that the revolver works.... he's just afraid of how LOUD it is when fired (that's why he's flinching) The other 3 at least know that there bows work..... Note: these figures have separate bases,(don't forget to print one for each figure) So the figures can be painted and based separate from the BASE Ring, and then glued together (that way you don't get any basing material on the BASE rings..and you can color code each base for quick identification “in-game”) These guys were fun to paint, I based them in a brownish gray, then a black wash, then using “glazes” for the white around the eyes and Black for the tail stripes, a few layers latter and they looked great.