Bullet dice for 2d20 systems

Bullet dice for 2d20 systems


This is my first Thingiverse submission and is mostly a remix of JacobKiefer's bullet and casing dice. The d20 is literally just a longer version of that project. The D6 dice is from there but just removed the numbers and put symbols. I created this to have a cool set of dice to play "Achtung Cthulu" from Modiphius. It uses the 2d20 system. I've been using at least 2 d20s and 4 d6s. That system uses special symbols for 4 of the faces, so there are 2 "special" symbols, a 1 and 2 "hit" symbols and then 2 blank faces. I created this with the "dice" very large, 6cm tall. I have printed them at 50% and the symbols are still readable to me. When I resized the magazine, I had to make a slight adjustment to the size of the outside part of the magazine, to allow the parts to slide together. At 50% the D6 is about the size of a Luger 9mm round, so I liked that. There are 2 parts to the dice holder (shaped like a magazine). I printed both with FDM. I printed the inner (the tray) flat on the build plate and the outer part standing up. For the dice, I printed them with resin. At 100%, I did hollow the D6 out with an internal support. The dice seem to be pretty balanced, even hollowed out. An advantage of having them be rolling type dice. At 75%, the difference in resin needed with or without hollowing was close enough that I didn't bother. For the D6 dice, there are 2 versions. One has the bullet can casing separate, to allow you to print the bullet separate. One of the pictures has both types shown.






